Why Goodness of Heart Exists

We exist to give a hand up and not a handout to the people of Burundi through the education of the next generation. 

In Burundi only about 71% of children go to school. Many drop out of school in Burundi, so that only about half of those that start school finish primary school. 

A successful school education would be a central approach to the development of the country and it gives the young people a chance to take their own lives into their own hands. It also provides the necessary qualifications and skills to rebuild the country.

We want to help lift the marginalised of the country through school and vocational education and provide employment for locals in the school as teachers, teachers aides, administrators and grounds people. 

Along with the school Goodness of Heart Education will establish micro businesses that will enhance the school experience and enable skills and trades training for Youth and adults and provide funds towards supporting the school.

These could be things like a business centre that has computers, internet and printing facilities and employees who will create or type out a document for members of the public.

Or a bakery that is next to the school and supplies bread, pasteries and cakes etc to the public but also a hot breakfast meal for the school children so that they can learn well with a full stomach.

We hope to have a bus that will pick up the children for school and take them home in the afternoon but in between and after school it can be used as public transportation around the city charging a fare.

Employment brings dignity into the lives of men and women who just need an opportunity to shine.