Pascal - Burundi

Pascal’s Story

I was born in Bujumbura, Burundi the 3rd of 6 children. My father earned a low wage as a carpenter and my mother who had no education performed domestic duties.

Growing up in Burundi life was hard. We lived in a small house in a slum without plumbing or electricity and 6 children sharing one bed. Food was often scarce, we only ate one meal a day but it was not uncommon to go to bed hungry.

Education in Burundi was also a struggle. My parents often didn’t have money to buy shoes, a uniform or pay school fees. I remember in High School competing in Soccer competitions and long-distance races so I could buy school clothes with the winnings.

After High School I was fortunate enough to go to University and graduated as a Physical Education teacher. 

During the civil unrest and civilian war based on ethnic groups conflicts of 1993, I fled to South Africa where I lived hand to mouth as a refugee. A few years later I was sponsored by my church to attend a conference in Australia where I met my wife Therese. In 1997 we were married in Johannesburg and in 1999 I immigrated to Australia where I retrained as a Mathematics teacher, working and living in rural NSW.

The life I live in Australia is good. I have been blessed with 5 children, have permanent employment and no longer fear for my safety. I’m proud to call myself an Aussie but will never forget my fellow Burundians who continue to struggle with life.

My heart is through Goodness of Heart we can together help the youth of Burundi improve their life through providing education to those who can’t afford it. All they need to succeed in life is a hand up from people who care.

Goodness of Heart Education (Burundi) Inc is my way of making that possible with your help.