A School in BURUNDI ??

“I have a dream”, said a good mate, Pascal. I said what is that dream? He said I want to open a school for the poor children in Bujumbura, BURUNDI.

I asked myself where in Africa is Burundi? I did not have any idea because it is such a small insignificant place that I had no idea that it was in Central-Eastern Africa right next to Rwanda, (which I had heard of).

I then did some research on the web and found out some amazing facts about this country BURUNDI – CIA fact book online https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/burundi/.

BURUNDI is the equal poorest country in the world based on GDP per capita (Central African Republic) with an estimated $700 US per year. It has suffered a long history of poor educational levels, famine and political instability. Is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with almost 12 million people (estimates 2020). Official Languages – Kirundi, French and English. 90% of the population rely on subsistence agriculture.

Food shortages, poverty and a lack of clean water contribute to a 60% chronic malnutrition rate among children. 2/3rds of the population are under 25.64% of the country is below the poverty line. We have established Goodness of Heart Education (Burundi) Inc, a Charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission of Australia (ACNC) to raise the resources needed to establish and run a low fee school for poor children. You can see a short video of how children in Burundi and their difficulties in trying to attend school.


  • 1. How can I help? You can help by donating money (see donations page), your time and or other resources that will be needed.
  • 2. What is the immediate need? We need funds to purchase the land for the school and then to start building.
  • 3. Where will the school be established? In the largest city (and economic centre) Bujumbura. (see map of Burundi).
  • 4. Will you be working with a local organisation? Yes we have established a good working relationship with a local group that have the same values, integrity and vision as we do. We have been working with them in preparation for several years.
  • 5. When will the project get started? It is already started. We have established the Charity and have permission from the Australian government to raise funds in Australia and elsewhere and to be able to use them for these purposes in Burundi.
  • 6. Does this Charity have experienced people overseeing its work? Yes, we have a number of senior school administrative and teaching staff on the committee. We have experience in establishing and administrating private primary schools over the past 30 years. All have higher education qualifications of at least B.A. or higher.
  • 7. Will you be doing other projects as well? Yes along with the school we envision several small micro businesses that can contribute in the following ways: employment, training in a skill or trade, creating a sense of real community knowing that what they are engaged in will help educate the communities children & youth. Some of the profits will go to the schools on going expenses.
  • 8.Will the government allow you to establish a school? Yes we have already spoken to the Education Department in Bujumbura about establishment of a school. They were quite enthusiastic about such a development and encouraged us to start immediately.