Goodness Of Heart Education

One Community Helping Another Solve Problems

Goodness of Heart exists to show God’s love and goodness to Africans from the heart of Australians through education

Our Story

“I have a dream”, said a good mate, Pascal. I said what is that dream? He said I want to open a school for the poor children in Bujumbura, BURUNDI.

Why We Exist

In Burundi only about 71% of children go to school. Many drop out of school so that only about half of those that start school finish primary school.

Pascal’s Story

Born in Bujumbura, Burundi the 3rd of 6 children. My father earned a low wage as a carpenter and my mother had no education performed domestic duties..

Stage 1
  • Complete the website
  • Start fund raising
  • Acquire the land for the school
  • Obtain the permission of the local government and the community advisors
Stage 2
  • Fence the land
  • Start designing the school campus
  • Promote and continue fund raising
Stage 3
  • Continue fund raising and promotion in schools of NSW and
  • community groups and businesses
  • Finalise school campus design (class rooms,
  • administration, meal areas, shaded areas, play grounds etc)
  • Develop curriculum, educational standards and policies
  • Obtain permission from the Department of Education to
  • operate the school
Stage 4
  • Begin construction of the school buildings
  • Hire staff